How To Use Keyword Research To Boost Your Press Release or Blog Post Findability


One of the main goals of writing a press release or a blog post is to steer traffic to your business and your website - which means that the press release or post must be easy to find online.

keyword research is market research adds article public relationsBefore you write your post or press release you need to decide what keywords you are going to target. Keywords are the words that someone would type in when they are searching for your business.

Finding and selecting the best keywords is important business market research. Market research is more than surveys, studies, and polls. It is also creating successful (findable) press releases and web page content.

For instance if you have a dry cleaning business in South Beach, people might type in "Dry Cleaning South Beach" or "Dry Cleaning Miami".

If you have a Greek restaurant in Brooklyn people might type in "Greek Restaurant Brooklyn" "Greek food Brooklyn", "Best Moussaka in Brooklyn," etc.

Now, it is important that there are a significant number of monthly searches being done for your keyword phrase. There are some keyword research tools that you can buy, but Google has a free one.

The link is:

And here's another good one:

You type in your keyword phrase and you make sure that there are at least a few thousand searches a month for it. You certainly don't want to concentrate on keyword phrases with less than a thousand searches a month.

Ranking well for "the best darn Greek restaurant in all of Brooklyn" won't help you if nobody searches for that phrase.

The great thing about the Google keywords tool is that it will offer you dozens of alternative suggestions for keyword searches, and it will tell you how many searches there are per month for each of them.

It is important to pick your best keyword and put it in your headline and in the first paragraph - preferably the first sentence of your press release.

Then put it throughout the body of the press release in maybe two or at most three places - but don't overdo it. Scatter some other keyword phrases in there and write the press release in a way that reads naturally, not in a way that appears as if you are writing for search engines. After all, the press release has to be written well enough that people will want to click on the link back to your website - or it doesn't matter HOW high it places in the search engines.

You will find that having your keyword phrase in the press release's headline is a very powerful tool to get your press release ranking high in Google's search engines, even when there are millions of competing sites.

More About Press Release, Market Research, Public Relations For Business

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Contact: Margaret Ross is president and CEO of the Kamaron Institute, a leading business management consulting, marketing research, and staff development firm.

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